速報APP / 教育 / How to Start a Conversation

How to Start a Conversation





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



How to Start a Conversation(圖1)-速報App

Starting a conversation with a stranger can deem difficult or rather impossible. It doesn’t need to be a stranger for it to be difficult, even to familiar faces; at times initiating a conversation is an uphill task. Then how do we go about it, noting that our ideas, thoughts or feelings can only get through if we converse, not only starting the conversation but maintaining it to the end?

Knowing how to start a conversation is important as it will not only put your ideas out there but it will also make another thing s that will precede the conversation to go on smoothly. People will know that you are not a loner with nothing to say or do and that you are more approachable and you are comfortable approaching others and it means meeting new people and connecting leading to more knowledge and experiences.

How to Start a Conversation(圖2)-速報App

The following will help you not only to initiate a conversation but also to keep it going.


How to Start a Conversation(圖3)-速報App

Have confidence when you want to know how to start a conversation. Without self-esteem, you will struggle in trying to pass your message along. Building confidence in yourself makes this job rather easy. stop looking at what you are bad at.

How to Start a Conversation(圖4)-速報App

Confidence means speaking about what you are good at. Start the conversation with what you clearly have the know-how, a topic that is out of your league will only make your work difficult.

Creating Rapport

How to Start a Conversation(圖5)-速報App

Exchange pleasantries with someone before you approach them for a chit-chat. This can be built even without talking such as through eye contact or even a simple smile. These acknowledgments even before beginning the conversation make your introductions a lot easier. You stop becoming just a random person but rather a person who gets along well with people and everyone will want to get associated with you thus making your conversations a lot easier.


How to Start a Conversation(圖6)-速報App

Different situations call for different approaches. Do not be too formal or too informal; it all depends on that specific environment. Observe your environment keenly, and know whether you should go formally or informally with your conversation. Are you to converse in a work environment, then take it formal or is it in a social function, an informal one will do just better.

When meeting people in a group situation, try and find the leader within the particular group. Those that will be contributing more about how to start a conversation within the group, allowing others to take turns might probably be the leader, introduce yourself to them then you are good to go.

How to Start a Conversation(圖7)-速報App

The Environment

Those of us that are affected by Communication Apprehension, not knowing what to say and thinking too much about what to say next, referring to your environment can give you a good start. Look around and you will get one thing that you share in common with your audience that will get you going. This, however, will only help you to initiate the conversation but will not take you through to the finishing line. Make sure you actually have something to talk about, you cannot initiate a conversation if you luck the topic of discussion. Talk about something, but remember to have the know-how.